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Brief Review of Educational Online Courses

Brief Review of Educational Online Courses

Last time we shared with you a list of movies and TV shows that you can watch while sitting home.
Today we put together links to educational online courses from all around the world. So if watching movies and TV series are already a bore for you and you are ready for new knowledge, this article is just what you need!

*An important note: you will need Flash Player to be able to use several websites mentioned in our review.

Multilingual resources:

  • Coursera — is a red-hot educational online project, founded by professors of Stanford University that includes various types of courses provided by different universities. You can experience free access to all the resources until 31 of July. To get the permission and join a desired course you have to fill in the form where you explain how Coursera will help you during the quarantine.
  • edX — is an educational platform that offers free online courses developed for international students by Harvard, MIT and other top universities.
  • American multinational publishing, education and media company Scholastic launched free website for online education at home in order to help children and their parents as long as the schools are closed because of the Covid-19 pandemics.
  • Alison — is an online platform with free access that specializes mainly in working skills development. As a nice bonus you will also get a free certificate after finishing your course.
  • Educational portal OpenCulture provides a list of free online courses sorted by topic. The most part of them include audio and video material.
  • Classcentral — is an aggregator website with thousands of free online courses.
  • If you follow this link, you will find a list of three hundred free courses offered by The Ivy League — an American collegiate conference comprising eight private universities.

Russian resources for those who learns the language and want to know more about the country:

  • Arzamas — is an amazing project enlightening various cultural topics that allows you now to get a free trial period to its radio channel with “Карантин” (quarantine) promo code.
  • “Синхронизация” (synchronization) is a lecture course and online platform where you can study art, cinema, history, philosophy, architecture, fashion and design opened free access to the following courses: “History of art in 10 masterpieces” and “History of cinema in 10 films”. To join the course, please, type in your name, your surname and email on the course page.
  • Russian project «Открытое образование» (Open education) will provide you free access to the courses developed by leading universities of Russia. Among them are: Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, National University of Science and Technology (MISiS) and many others.


These are challenging times that we are going through now but for many people it is also a chance to learn something new, to improve their professional skills or visa versa, to change their sphere of activity. The most important thing is to stay positive and don’t let yourself fall into depression during the lockdown and self-isolation.

Author: Kira Shmeleva
Translation: Inna Guseva