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How to get a Bronze Tan

How to get a Bronze Tan

Who of us wouldn’t like to get a stunning bronze tan, making our skin both even and radiant? But you also need to use common sense when tanning, as lying in the scorching sun does little to help you obtain that desired tone. Plus, if you don’t stay safe, the sun’s rays can most certainly lead to problems with your health.

Darkening of the skin — this is a protective reaction by the body to ultraviolet rays. Under the impact of these rays, melanin is released, which prevents the destruction of DNA, along with forming a tan on the body.

How to get a Bronze Tan

How Long Can you Sun Bathe and at What Time of Day?

Although tanning causes harm in the form of burning and overheating, it can be of benefit. If you keep an eye on the time you’re in the sun, you can simultaneously get beautiful skin and revitalise yourself at the beach. The strength of the sun’s rays depends on the time of day:

1. High Intensity

High impact on the skin from ultraviolet rays can be observed from 12:00 till 16:00. Depending on the region, these indicators can be moved 1-2 hours. Beginning at 12:00, but better a little earlier, it’s worth going inside or into the shade. Suncream won’t save you if you’re lying directly under the sun’s rays, as 20 minutes in the heat is enough to make you burn.

At lunchtime, the impact of ultraviolet rays is at its most destructive to the skin. The process of ageing is launched due to the destruction of collagen, while the risk of cancer and new growths also emerges. You won’t get a bronze tan in such conditions.

2. Medium Intensity

The sun is at a medium level of intensity from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 17:00. This is a good time for tanning, but it’s definitely still worth using sunscreen. For people with health problems, for instance, those who have experienced benign or malignant formations on the skin, this time is also dangerous. It’s also worth refraining from sunbathing if you have a raised temperature, varicose veins or an autoimmune disease.

3. Low Intensity

The sun is at its lowest intensity in the morning, from 7:00 to 10:00, and in the evening, from 17:00 to 20:00. This is the ideal time for sunbathing when you can safely get a tan without worrying about your body — the time of day when that desired bronze tone can be achieved.

The optimal length of sun exposure depends on the colour type of your skin, but there’s a general rule for all people: the fairer your hair and skin, the less time you can spend in the sun. As such, people with white skin and fair hair need to be on the beach for 30-40 minutes. If you have a dark complexion and dark hair — up to an hour and a half.

How to get a Bronze Tan

How to Obtain a Bronze Skin Tone?

The secret to this tan is the gradual accumulation of melanin. You can’t make an abrupt move to the beach and lie there to the utmost; otherwise, the only thing you’ll acquire is sunburn. In that instance, you can forget about a bronze tone.

Also, before beginning your holiday at the seaside, go outside, go for a walk and tan where possible. If you have a private house, then adapting your body to the sun is even easier. You can go out into the yard in swimwear and sunbathe a little. Here are the main rules of getting a bronze tan:

  1. Don’t spend the entire day on the beach. You can lie directly in the sun when ultraviolet radiation is at a low and medium intensity. If you can’t leave the beach, move to the shade and apply some 40 or 50 SPF creme. You’ll need to replenish this every time you’ve been for a swim.
  2. Begin with a small amount of time spent in the sun. As the dark pigment manifests, increase this amount.
  3. Take frequent dips in the water. It contributes to the tan emerging, especially in seawater.
  4. As your skin starts to darken, it’s worth lowering the factor level of your suncream. When your tan is practically bronze, use a cream with a lower protection level, for example, 25 SPF.

The main problem which sunbathers experience is trying to achieve an even tan. In some places, it can be more intensive, depending on the position of the body in relation to the sun. This is why it is pointless to lie in one pose and expect you’ll get an even tan. You need to move around and go for regular dips for it to develop evenly.

Under no circumstances should you fall asleep in the sun, as you won’t feel the moment your skin begins to burn in the sun. You might get ill from intense overheating. Showering is a must after a visit to the beach. Your skin becomes dehydrated from the salt; therefore, it’s worth applying after sun.

Eating while on a Resort Holiday

To get a bronze tan, it’s not enough to simply go to the beach. Your skin may acquire a different colour, for instance, brown or ashen, depending on your complexion type. If you want beautiful bronze skin in particular, then it’s worth incorporating some foods into your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables, with high contents of vitamins A, E and C, will be of great benefit. Not only will they make your skin healthier, but they will give it that bronze colour.

This is especially the case for orange-coloured fruits and vegetables: pumpkins, pineapples, carrots, oranges, mandarins, peaches and melons. They contain beta-keratin, which colours the pigment with an even, reddish hue. Besides, it helps to keep the skin moist and protect it from premature ageing. I personally adore carrot smoothies — a vital part of my diet in summer. However, take into account that for the beta-keratin to be digested, it needs to be combined with fats. My personal approach is to mix carrots, cream and water, sometimes with the addition of apples.

How to get a Bronze Tan

When on holiday, it’s better to replace meat for fish. Seafood prevents the skin from drying out and peeling. And don’t forget about water, as the sun can severely dehydrate the body. To feel good at the beach, I drink around 2 litres of clean water daily while on holiday. Make note that water with lemon isn’t the water your body needs, just as tea and coffee also don’t count.

What to do if you burn?

Sometimes, in the pursuit of the ideal tan, we can overdo it and burn. This happened to me, especially earlier on, when I was trying to tan as swiftly as possible. In such cases, naturally, it’s worth refraining from tanning for some time and always walking around in clothes. My shoulders and nose burn most often, so I try to take sleeved t-shirts on holiday with me. In addition, I always wear face suncream, applying it as soon as I feel that the skin on my nose has become dry.

Apply revitalising cream to this spot — I use Panthenol. Also, drink as much water as possible — that means adding at least another litre to your usual 2 litres. There is a multitude of old-wives tales, for instance, putting smetana on a burn, but I personally have far more trust in the exclusive products.

To Sum Up

So, to get a bronze tan, you need:

  1. To tan in intervals, best of all before 12:00 or after 16:00.
  2. Use sun cream.
  3. Swim and move around.
  4. Drink water, eat fruit and vegetables containing beta-keratin.

It’s better not to treat getting a bronze tan like the be-all and end-all of your holiday. After all, you’ve come to the stunning island of Cyprus, so let the tan merely be a pleasant addition to the exciting adventures which await!

Author: Elena Rabkina
Translation: Jordan Worsley