Church of Timios Stavros is located in the south of Pelendri and was built in the 12th century. The church is on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites.

Originally, the church was a single-nave basilica with a vaulted dome. But after being destroyed, only one apsis, two lsoad-bearing arches and the western wall remained of it. Restoration work began in the 14th century with the church being rebuilt and expanded over the course of the following two centuries. Then finally in the 16th century it became what it is today.

The church has retained some of its frescoes from the 12th century, which have been complemented with newer Crete and Greek-style frescoes painted in the latter half of the 14th century. The dome features an image of Christ Pantocrator surrounded by different celestial beings. The altar space features the Deisis — an early Byzantine representation of the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist with their hands raised in supplication on behalf of humanity.

The central nave houses the carved wooden iconostasis featuring geometric ornaments. Many of the frescoes are dedicated to the terrestrial life of the Virgin: Mary’s Birth, the Presentation, the Marriage, the Annunciation, Mary’s meeting with Elizabeth, etc. Some of the frescoes cover the Christological cycle and include the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Ascension of Jesus. The Latin chapel I the northern part of the church that was once used by the Frankish feudal lords, includes an iconostasis adorned with carved floral patterns.