Cyprus Wine Museum is located in Erimi village close to Limassol. This private museum was founded in 2004 by Anastasia Guy. The museum collection takes up several floors of an old mansion and reveals the history and traditions of winemaking in Cyprus.
Winemaking in Cyprus began a long time ago. The museum is situated in an area that is considered the birthplace of Mediterranean winemaking (one of the objects at the museum is a fragment of a canteen dating back to 3500 BC, which was discovered during an archeological dig in 1933).
Visitors can explore the map of the island’s wine regions and learn the story behind Commandaria — one of the oldest and most legendary wines in the world. The wine was named after the Commanderies of the Order of Saint John who had purchased Cyprus from King Richard the Lionheart in 1192. The knights lived in the Colossi Castle and the surrounding 60 villages were called the “Great Commandoria.” The wine produced in the area up until the 12th century was called Nama (which means “spring water” in Greek). The knights were able to improve the taste of the drink and began exporting it. This is how the wine got its new name.
You can also find out more about the production of Zivania, learn about the local types of grapes, see the ancient wine vessels and ceramics and visit a wine exhibition that features more than 200 varieties of the drink from 38 different wineries.
There are guided tours that include wine tasting. The museum also holds unique concerts and exhibitions and is available for a private event, such as a wedding reception.