Panagia tou Moutoulla Church was built in the 13th century and is located on top of a scenic hill that overlooks a village of the same name.
This small rural church has preserved its original appearance — the single-nave basilica features two galleries housed under a gable roof. Researchers say that the few frescoes on the interior walls of the church together with the dimmed lights are all remnants of the crusaders’ influence. The image of the Virgin of Vlacherna painted in the conch of the bottom apsis resembles the image of the Virgin that is known as the Icon of the Crusaders. Another image worth studying is the scene of the Annunciation near the fountain. Other noteworthy frescoes depict the Birth of Christ, which is located in the southern part of the nave, as well as images of St. Barbara, St. Mavra, St. Anastasia and St. Marina. The church is also decorated with images describing the Resurrection of St. Lazarus, the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus.
Panagia tou Moutoulla Church is on the list of world heritage sites by UNESCO.
To find and visit the church, ask the warden at the village coffee-shop.