Borulce Salatasi peas salad

Borulce Salatasi peas salad

Borulce Salatasi salad is made from black-eyed peas that do not need to be soaked in water for several hours. Salad can be served cold or warm, depending on individual taste and the season.


Black-eyed peas: ¾ cup

Zucchini: 400 gr

Lemon juice: 2 tablespoons

Olive oil: 3 tablespoons

Salt and pepper: to taste

Lemon: several slices

Cooking method

Boil black-eyed peas in a pot for several minutes, then pour the water out and add fresh water mixed with lemon juice and salt to the pot. Boil for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, cut zucchinis and boil them in the same pot for a couple of minutes.

When black-eyed peas become soft, take them out from the pot and put into the salad bowl. Add olive oil, salt, and pepper before serving.