Kakavia soup

Kakavia soup

Kakavia is a Greek fisherman’s soup made from local pan fish and large fish: sculpin, rockfish, grouper, dorado. Cypriots make it with spices, onions, tomatoes and olive oil.


Local pan fish and large fish

Onions, potatoes, tomatoes

Olive oil

Spices: to taste

Cooking method

To make a broth, heat a ceramic pot with water, add chopped onions and tomatoes, and pour a half glass of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Simmer until onion is cooked.

Add cleaned and scaled pan fish to the broth and cook for 10-15 minutes, then remove the fish and vegetables, strain the broth and heat it once again.

Scale the large fish and add it to the soup along with finely chopped parsley. Cook for 10-15 minutes until done.

Serve kakavia in deep bowls with wheat-bread toasts. Sometimes Cypriots serve the large fish alongside the soup.