


Lamb: 800 gram

White dry wine: 1 glass

Honey: 1 spoon

Potatoes: 3-4

Carrots: 3-4

Onions: 3

Garlic, rosemary, thyme, oregano, mint: to taste

Cooking method
Cooking method №1:

To prepare lamb meat, wash it and cut into portions. To make the marinade, take one glass of dry white wine, add honey, herbs, spices and greens. Whip the liquid and apply it to the meat.

Before baking marinated meat should be wrapped in parchment paper (along with vegetables, if wished). Roast it in the oven at 200-250ºC for about 20 minutes, then simmer for an hour and a half at 150ºC.

Cooking method №2:

Prepare the marinade (juice from 4 lemons, salt and spices — crushed bay leaf, pepper, oregano and cumin) and pieces of yeast flatbread. Marinate lamb meat and leave for 4-6 hours.

Then fry meat with olive oil, put the portions into pipkins and cover each with cut onions and pieces of flatbread. Bake for 15-40 minutes.