Tzatziki Sauce

Tzatziki Sauce

The mother of my friend recommends serving Tirotipa pie with tzatziki sauce, which recipe I will describe below.


500 ml fresh yoghurt

1 cucumber

garlic at taste

150 ml oil

1 Tsp vinegar

fresh greens, olives

salt and paper at taste

Cooking method
  1. Chop the garlic finely, add salt and mix until smooth consistency.
  2. Cut the cucumber in halves and remove the flesh, grate the rest.
  3. Mix grated cucumber with yoghurt. Add garlic, oil and vinegar.

Inviting guests to eat the pies in Cyprus is a great opportunity to meet friends and relatives and to enjoy the time spent together. Make a Tiropita pie with tzatziki sauce and invite your friends and family to join you by the meal. I’m sure they will appreciate it very much!