5 Simple Hacks to Beat Jet Lag in Cyprus Quick and Easy
5 Simple Hacks to Beat Jet Lag in Cyprus Quick and Easy
Essencials and Personal Experience
Translation: Inna Guseva

Everyone who travels the world faced jet lag at least once in his life. This is a very common reaction of the body to the change of place and climate that appears when you are travelling into distant lands. Unfortunately it can not be entirely prevented and no one is completely immune to its unpleasant consequences. Only the constant flights are able to make symptoms disappear because your body is learning how to adapt itself.

The change of latitude and longitude, time zones, temperatures and air humidity may affect different people in different ways. This article is here to help you to get over the jet lag on Cyprus quick and easy.

Jet Lag Signs

Let's say you feel fine just before your trip but immediately after your arrival to the warm country you get sick — it is quite likely how the jet lag works. It signs can vary from one person to another. Here are the most common symptoms:

  • slight fever;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • cough.

The jet lag is often confused with the ordinary flu but it's quite hard to get the real flu in Cyprus because of it warm weather.

5 Tips for Quick Adaptation

When my parents visited Cyprus they complained about being sick all the time and could not fully enjoy their beach vacation and the beauty of the place. That is what happens when you try to beat jet lag by taking ordinary flu meds. The travellers often have no idea that it isn't some kind of illness but mostly a mind thing as a result of the location change. You can't fully escape the readjustment process especially if you travel not so often. The following tips can help you when you decide to replace the cold winter outside by the warm summer.

Before the trip

The very first thing you should take care of before your visit Cyprus is your physical health. It's better to be fit so make sure to get enough vitamins. I usually buy a multivitamin complex 3-4 weeks in advance and take it according to the prescription. Pay attention to the ingredients while choosing, vitamins A, C and E are the one you will need the most. They will boost the immunity, make you feel well and improve your ability to acclimatize. If you plan a summer trip choose the multivitamin complex that contains also vitamins B1 and B12 to prevent the deficiency because these vitamins can easily being sweat out of your body.

It would be better to change your daily routine a few days before your flight. Check the local time in Cyprus and start to adapt your sleep-wake cycle according to it. That will help you to avoid the insomnia during your vacations. If you want the adaptation pass faster try not to sleep right after your arrival to Cyprus.


On the plane

You may start to feel some physical discomfort already on board of the aircraft because of the dry air inside. It can reduce the immunity which in turn increases the chance for infections and viruses to enter the body. Infections could make the symptoms of jet lag even worse and it would be not so easy to cure. To keep your hydration on a healthy level skip the caffeine and alcoholic drinks and choose water instead.

It would be healthier not to sleep all the flight long. Try to stay awake at least two hours before landing. When you have reached your final destination do not go to sleep immediately. It is better to spend some time in the fresh air, for example to have a walk.


Prevent dehydration

It will be not so easy to adapt yourself to the summer heat in Cyprus especially when you are coming from mild climate zones. Fatigue and low physical activity are usually the first signs of dehydration. Make sure you drink enough water, at least 1,5 liter a day. I would recommend also to buy electrolytes and hydration tablets in advance. They usually contain the important minerals (electrolytes) such as sodium, calcium and magnesium which you loose when you sweat a lot. There is no need to take the hydration tablets before the trip because the minerals don't build up in the body.

Avoid physical overload

Plan a few short walks and some simple activities for the first two or three days of your stay in Cyprus. Let your body get used to the heat and keep in mind that walking in the sun for the long time might end up in a sunstroke that will lead to more dehydration. It is better to go out in the morning or in the evening when the heat falls off so you feel comfortable and do not burn in the sun.


Proper nutrition

There are plenty of local foods in Cyprus that are worth your attention but it's not a good idea to try them all in the first few days in case there might be some new products your could be allergic to. The smarter way is to stick to your common diet for a couple of days and then add something new gradually. Try to eat healthy during the adaptation period, choose the proper combination of carbonhydrates (groats, fruits and vegetables) and proteins (fish and other seafood) over high-fat and fried food.

Cyprus is famous for its variety of fruits rich in C and E vitamins. Add kiwi, avocado, almond and citrus fruits to your daily meal but avoid overeating in general, let your stomach adjust to the new environment too.

Correct your mealtime. If possible don’t miss breakfasts and dinners but skip the lunch when the temperature outside is at the highest point because it might negatively affect the digestion process.

Personal Experience

When I visited Cyprus for the first time I wasn't prepared to face the jet lag consequences and it was not so easy to adapt.

I've tried to eat healthy and plan my activities very carefully. I have organized my schedule going to bed before midnight the same time every evening and waking early in the morning, at half past seven I was already on the beach swimming in the sea. After two days of my new routine I felt fit and fresh again.

I hope the tips featured here will help you overcome the jet lag easily so you can enjoy your stay in Cyprus and make the most of it!