Encryptus Realius Quest Club in Limassol
Encryptus Realius Quest Club in Limassol
Save yourself in 60 minutes
Translation: Maria Charnaya

If you like trying out new things, finding yourself in a new and unusual place (sometimes even a bit unreal), testing your wit and flexing your brain muscle, then Encryptus Realius is a place for you.

A quest is a type of game, where players have 60 minutes (the amount of time differs, but most often it is one hour) to escape from a room by searching for clues solving different puzzles.

I am a pretty experienced quest player — I have approximately 10 unlocked rooms under my belt. The main pleasure of a quest game for me is that even though everything seems the same (you have a room, a team of players and one hour to escape), everything happens differently each time: the premise of the game, the tasks and the clues, the escape strategy and your role in the game vary with each time. The experience is never boring.

Encryptus Realius Quest Club, Limassol

My friends and I had already participated in a quest at Encryptus Realius before, playing the “Hacker” scenario. We enjoyed the atmosphere, but what we didn’t know was that the quest was linear (meaning one task follows another). This works best for those who like to focus on one thing at a time.

This time we opted for the “Warlock” scenario, which turned out to be perfect for team work. Before getting inside the room we were told the story of how we ended up there. According to the legend, we lived in a city, where people start disappearing. Many citizens went searching for them, but never came back. We were a group of people who set out looking for the missing. At a certain point in our search we ended up inside the den of the Warlock. The room contained the answer to the question: where did everyone go? We had exactly an hour to solve the mystery and get out of the room.

Encryptus Realius Quest Club, Limassol Encryptus Realius Quest Club, Limassol Encryptus Realius Quest Club, Limassol

Despite the eerie description, the room wasn’t scary. It was mysterious and cryptic, but not threatening. It contained numerous clues and puzzles, some of which were quite easy while others really made us think.

I recommend participating in any quest game in a company of at least three people. This allows for many different perspectives and thinking methods and facilitates collective wisdom, so to speak.

But if at any point you get stuck solving a puzzle — don’t panic. The room is equipped with hidden cameras and your game is being monitored by a club employee, who will be glad to provide you with an additional clue.

We had a great team and managed to complete the quest in 45 minutes. Hooray to us! There were six of us, including a family with an 11-year old boy, and everyone was engaged in the process. I would definitely recommend the Warlock as a family-friendly scenario.

After the game, we took a group photo and were offered tea and coffee. I really liked the atmosphere of Encryptus Realius: every little detail has been thoroughly designed and implemented, which makes you want to linger a little longer and study everything. I love going back to the club and getting immersed in a different world and a different reality.

Encryptus Realius Quest Club, Limassol

Follow Alexandra Malysheva’s blog: sparkling-photo.livejournal.com