Carob Cakes with Walnuts

Carob Cakes with Walnuts

Carob trees are growing all around Cyprus and its fruits are one of the favourite ingredients for traditional Cyprus pastries. Also carob is rich on B vitamins and other microelements. The recipe of Carob cakes with walnuts is an easy one that doesn’t take much time to bake.


200 g carob syrup

400 g whole grain flour

200 ml milk

100 g butter

1 egg

baking powder



Cooking method
  1. In a bowl mix the butter with carob syrup until smooth consistency. Add the egg and whip it carefully.
  2. In another bowl mix together the flour, cinnamon, milk and baking powder. Put all the ingredients together and add the walnuts.
  3. Bake in the oven at 120 °C.
  4. Dress with powdered sugar or some nuts.

This easy recipe will be perfect if you don’t have time to make any other dessert before the guests arriving or if you want to please your family with some treats. Neither adults nor children can resist these delicious cakes.