Kolokasi with celery and tomatoes

Kolokasi with celery and tomatoes

Vegetarian dish of Cypriot cuisine


Taro — 1 kg

Onion — 1

Celery — 3-4 sticks

Olive oil — ¼ cup

Water — 2 cups

Tomato paste — 2 tablespoons

Salt and pepper — to taste

Lemon or sour orange juice

Cooking method

Peel the taro (no need to wash it). Chop off medium-size pieces starting from the center of the vegetable. If you cut up your taro the regular way and not the way that is shown in the video, it will be all mooshed out of shape during cooking.

In a frying pan, heat up olive oil and lightly simmer the onion. Add taro, celery and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

In a saucepan mix tomato paste with water and add salt and pepper.

Then add the vegetables and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Add lemon or wild orange juice and cook for another 5-10 minutes until the taro is soft and the sauce thickens.

The dish can be served either hot or cold.